
Special Shape Glowdeo at Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico (click here for more info)


  1. These are so cool, about 15 yrs ago they had balloon Fiestas here in Tucson then they built all these houses and people complined now no more. Glad you enjoyed it

  2. Those baloons are very cool! I love that big purple smiling one with the pointy ears! Very cute!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  3. The purple one with the pointy ears and huge smile? Yup, that looks like you! :-P

  4. I was there that evening, seeing as I live in Albuquerque. The airforce band was pretty good. I didn't care for the band that played later in the evening however. My favorite hot air balloon was the Darth Vader one.

  5. Can you believe that Darth Vader balloon? That was amazing. I got a picture of it the next day, during mass ascension.

    Yes the airforce band was good. I didn't get to hear the other one.

  6. The Darth Vader Balloon was huge and it was neat watching it being filled. I wasn't able to attend the mass ascention the next morning and I wish I was able to. The band that played in the evening played music from the 70's.

  7. I hear you, that mass ascension is way tooooo early!!!

    I saw it being filled too but I had no idea what that huge black thing could be, until I saw it in the air and I was amazed. I took a bunch of pictures of it to send to my kids.
