
Mass Ascension at Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico (click here for more info)

If you know me, you'll be shocked to find out that I had to get up at 6 am today and go stand in a field of wet grass, while freezing, to watch the balloons take flight. I know you feel my pain. Was it worth it? Yes!!!  Watching the mass ascension was magical, truly a unique experience. I am very happy that I made it to Balloon Fiesta this year. I hope you'll enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed being there!


  1. Wonderful pics, must have been a blast to see all those balloons. And some of those novelty ones, rofl :)

  2. Yes, it was an amazing and unique experience. And I have a terrible crick in my neck to prove it! LOL

  3. Beautiful! One could even say uplifting.

  4. Thank you !!!! Thank you !!!

  5. Amazing! Hot air balloons have always sparked my interest. I didn't know them made shaped ones! This coming up weekend our town is having a bikes, balloons, blues and BBQ festival (2nd year for it) I'm looking forward to going and seeind the balloons. By the way I followed your link from the Van Dwellers group....I'm a lurker there, and hope to eventually create a simple camper van out of hubby's back-up service van. He already said I could. :-) Thanks for sharing.

  6. Cooool ! Thx for the story and pic's. Greetings fromm Winnipeg/MB. joe

  7. You're welcome and thanks for letting me know how much you enjoyed the pictures!

  8. There's a chicken one! I love it!

  9. Wonderful pictures........where's the van balloon?

  10. I didn't see a van balloon. I think the vandwellers will have to take care of that one :-)
