
Main Street at Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico (click here for more info)

Unfortunately my first event at Balloon Fiesta - tonight's Special Shape Glowdeo - was canceled because of the wind. I did get to see the fireworks tonight though and I am hoping for better luck tomorrow.


  1. you are gonna love the "glows",such beauty. it makes me feel very peaceful.

  2. I wish they hadn't canceled tonight's, I was soooo looking forward to it!!

  3. I envy you being there. Someday maybe.
    Where were you able to camp? Is the town a madhouse?
    Happy travels.
    Louise in FLA

  4. I made reservations to camp at the festival months ago, so I am in their RV section. There are tons and tons of rvs here.

    The town is not too bad. Everyone is excited about the festival, there are festival signs and merchandise and specials everywhere you go.

    The worst part is traffic around event times (in the mornings and again in the evenings) so I am glad to be parked here and that I don't need to move the rv for 3 days.

    There's a free shuttle that takes you from the rv section to the field where the balloons are, that runs constantly. It's a nice event and well organized.
