
Georgia O'Keeffe in Abiquiu, New Mexico (click here for more info)

Today I went on a tour of the Georgia O'Keeffe house in Abiquiu. First you go to the office and from there you ride a shuttle to the house, about a mile away. You are not allowed to bring cameras, purses, or any bags with you, so unfortunately I have no pictures of this amazing house in such a spectacular location. Afterwards I went to see Ghost Ranch where she also lived and worked.

As I was leaving town, it started to rain in the distance, and the sunset turned the sky into such stunning colors and so beautiful that I think it would inspire anyone to paint too!


  1. Wow! Those are some excellent shots! Well done little sis! The sunset shots are very cool :)

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  2. Thanks big bro, I couldn't believe the colors in that sky, and you know the camera doesn't capture all the different shades.

  3. it is easy to understand why they call it The Land of Enchantment after visiting it : )

  4. Absolutely. It's one of the few places I think I'd want to visit again.

  5. WOW Mar I sure wish I was there to take those sun sets. Beautiful, awesome and more. All the shots are great good job.

  6. Thanks Jo. You should get down here and take some pics too!
