
The good, the bad, and the ugly

The story: One RV, three years on the road, 80,000 miles, 48 US states, 5 Canadian provinces, and 3 months in Mexico.

The good: I have met some of the most wonderful people on this trip, strangers who became instant friends. I have met many of you along the way and even those I didn't get to meet, were a constant source of information, advice, encouragement ... and the occasional driveway. The kindness of strangers has been one of the most pleasantly surprising and uplifting experiences about this trip.

The bad: The only repairs the rv required were new breaks, new tires, and regular oil changes. I didn't have any moving violations, but did get 3 parking tickets in different states. And had two very minor accidents, there was some damage to the rig but everyone involved was ok, no injuries.

The ugly: Every good thing must come to an end and after three years, I am now on my way home. Now that my bucket list is complete, I shall be home in a couple of days. I am going home in time to celebrate my 50th birthday with my kids. So I will go home and sit around to wait for someone to make me a grandma - which is the very last item on my bucket list.

The end: To say it has been an amazing trip would be a huge understatement. There are just no words to express the meaning of this trip and how it has changed me. And I want to say a great huge big thank you to all my readers who have followed my blog and 'traveled' with me everywhere I went. Thank you for the advice, encouragement, and friendship you have provided me every mile along the way.

THANK YOU and enjoy YOUR trip!!!


Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore Park in Empire, Michigan (click here for more info)

Every time someone asks me what is the most beautiful place I've seen on this trip, I always answer: Sleeping Bear Dunes in Michigan. Today I had the opportunity to visit Sleeping Bear a second time. The weather was completely different from my first visit - you can see the pictures of my first visit by clicking on the title of today's blog. That day I only had a disposable camera. This was back when I first started traveling alone.

Today was such a misty and foggy day that you could hardly see Lake Michigan down below. Luckily it wasn't too terribly cold but it was very windy. As I was walking, the wind kept pushing me in a different direction than I wanted to go. I was hoping for better weather but as much as I love this place, I'm glad I got to see it under two very different conditions. Foggy weather is a different kind of beauty all of its own.


The Frank Lloyd Wright House Walk in Oak Park, Illinois (click here for more info)

Today was the 37th annual House Walk, featuring interior tours of eight private homes designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and his contemporaries, plus entry to three public buildings designed by Wright:  Home and Studio, Unity Temple, and the Robie House. I had already visited all three in my previous visits to Chicago, so today I just toured the eight private homes and here they are (unfortunately interior photography is not allowed):