
The good, the bad, and the ugly

The story: One RV, three years on the road, 80,000 miles, 48 US states, 5 Canadian provinces, and 3 months in Mexico.

The good: I have met some of the most wonderful people on this trip, strangers who became instant friends. I have met many of you along the way and even those I didn't get to meet, were a constant source of information, advice, encouragement ... and the occasional driveway. The kindness of strangers has been one of the most pleasantly surprising and uplifting experiences about this trip.

The bad: The only repairs the rv required were new breaks, new tires, and regular oil changes. I didn't have any moving violations, but did get 3 parking tickets in different states. And had two very minor accidents, there was some damage to the rig but everyone involved was ok, no injuries.

The ugly: Every good thing must come to an end and after three years, I am now on my way home. Now that my bucket list is complete, I shall be home in a couple of days. I am going home in time to celebrate my 50th birthday with my kids. So I will go home and sit around to wait for someone to make me a grandma - which is the very last item on my bucket list.

The end: To say it has been an amazing trip would be a huge understatement. There are just no words to express the meaning of this trip and how it has changed me. And I want to say a great huge big thank you to all my readers who have followed my blog and 'traveled' with me everywhere I went. Thank you for the advice, encouragement, and friendship you have provided me every mile along the way.

THANK YOU and enjoy YOUR trip!!!


  1. Mar, It has been wonderful meeting you on your journey. I am sorry to see you hang up your keys, you have so much more living to do. When we are in FL this winter, we will have to get together. Jan and Lenny.

  2. Jan, it was fun meeting you two and staying at the Jan and Len Campground :-)

  3. Mar, thank you for the stories and encouragement. We're at the beginning of our travels, and I guess - like you - we'll know when we're done with this part.

    Best of luck with the grandchildren thing. :D


  4. It was fun following along! I'm looking forward to reading about whatever comes next.

  5. Even if I seldom commented, I've been following your blog for nearly two years. I have enjoyed every entry. You have taken us, your readers, to some wondrous places. You are to be commended on your persistence. I wish you the best in your life post-RV!

  6. Thank you for sharing your trip! The time and care and attention to detail in your photos has been extraordinary and much appreciated. You will be missed! All the best to you!

  7. Mar It was a great trip and a great story. getting to meet and visit with you twice was a real pleasure for Jeanie and I.

    I dont know if we will ever get to see you again if we stay with our plan not to go any further East than A straight line North and South at the Texas/ Oklahoma (I-40)line and no further south than I-20 at Abilene ,TX.

    If we ever do decide to break our vow and go east again we will give you a shout.

    Red and Jeanie

  8. It was an honor to be a guest of the Rojo and Jeanie campground twice :-) Thanks!!

  9. Happy Birthday to you tomorrow. I hope it will be the best yet, and good to be home with your family.
    You did a great job on the road and if you ever get bored and hit it again I hope you head my way once again.
    Best of everything to come your way.

  10. Thanks Jo, it was so nice to meet you. If I ever do hit the road again, Tucson will have to be on the agenda, count on it.

  11. I just stumbled upon your blog and the very first post I read was this one, and it brought tears to my eyes. I've spent hours over the last two years reading blogs, looking at different versions of wandering homes, and long for the day when my husband, who is also my best friend, will set out on our journey. I can't wait for the beginning of ours, and yours is ending. It just made me sad. Too bad I'm coming in at the end of your adventures, and not the beginning. Best of luck to you. I fully intend on going back to the beginning and reading about all your adventures.

  12. Thank you, Stacy, better late than never :-)

    I am glad you found the blog and hope you'll enjoy it when you read it. I had an amazing three year adventure, and now I'm ready for the next stage in my life. It's all good. I wish you and your husband the best in your future wanderings and adventures.

  13. Mar, it has been a great journey. I have been reading you since you and Bella started out. Not many can say they completed their bucket list. Take care and enjoy your family and you have all those great pics to look back on. Why don't you write a book? Great story to tell.

  14. This is an amazing blog. Thank you for your dedication posting your adventure and sharing your wonderful trip. I look forward to coming back and reading more. I kind of feel you may already be planning your next adventure which I don't want to miss.

  15. I am sooo sad your journey is over. I didn't find your blog until recently and I have read every single post. Hope you will post again to let us know how you are and how life is treating you!
    Donna nana.donnad@yahoo.com from Alabama

  16. Donna,

    It makes me so happy that you found the blog and read every post. Life is good and I am doing well. Thanks for asking!

  17. It was such a joy to be able to share a sliver of your journey with you my friend! I will never forget the decadent hot chocolate we shared in Santa Cruz...soooo fun.

    Celebrate Life!

    Laurie (better late than never)
