
Wildflour Cafe in Pawtucket, Rhode Island (click here for more info)

I have been reading about green smoothies and really wanted to try one. I finally had my first one yesterday at a place called Catch A Healthy Habit in Fairfield, Connecticut. I had the Green-Ya-Colada, which is spinach, banana, orange, pineapple, and coconut oil.

I am now officially h-o-o-k-e-d!

Today, I had my second green smoothie at Wildflour in Rhode Island. Here I had the Rainforest, and it had spinach, banana, mango, orange juice, and coconut water. It was fantastic!


east coast girl returns to the east coast

In late November 2009, I left the east coast. I got on Route 66 and went to explore the west coast. As I'm sure you can tell from my blog here, it was a great adventure. But I have to say, I was pretty excited about returning to the east coast and once I started heading this way, realized how much I had missed it.

But I guess the east coast didn't miss me .... since I've been back, I've had a few 'realizations':

Gas is in the $4.29-$4.89 range.

I had to pay over $40 in tolls in just two days. They totally cleaned me out. I only have a single, lonely dollar bill left in my wallet.

The roads are absolutely awful. How bad, you ask? They're so bad, screws are falling out all over the place. I found one on the floor near the bathroom door and have no idea where it came from. I found another screw in the middle of my bed and I don't know where it goes.

And to top it all off, I had a severe allergy attack today. I had no allergies the whole time I was on the west coast. Today I have been totally miserable. Sneezing non stop and it seems someone just opened a water faucet in my nose. My head feels like a balloon. No energy. Complete misery.

But, the sun will shine tomorrow and it will be a brand new day! I am certainly looking forward to that!


New York City Bike Tour (click here for more info)

As I drove around today, I was surprised by the NYC Bike Tour. The city closes down 42 miles of roads and thousands of people ride their bikes around New York City. Lucky for me, I was going in the opposite direction!