
The Wave in Coyote Buttes, Marble Canyon on the Utah/Arizona Border (click here for more info)

The trail head for the Wave is in Utah, but the actual Wave is in Arizona, so you cross state lines while hiking there. This was a 6 mile hike, round trip, that took 5 hours, over some very rough terrain and climbs, including limestone, slickrock, and soft sand. My legs felt like rubber and my feet hurt so much I thought my toes would fall off. But as you can see from the pictures here, it was all worth it!


  1. Yabbutt! There are no pix of the Princess so I don't really know if you made it there or just are copying pix from someone else....cuz I know you aren't a hiker..you told me so....
    Troublesome Bri

  2. Absolutely amazing place. Must go!

  3. Bro Bri, there you go being troublesome again. If you could see how sore, swollen and red my feet are after that 5 hour / 6 mile hike, you'd need no more proof !!! LOL

  4. Bri, do you know of any mineral hot springs near where Mar is? She deserves a good soak!

  5. She deserves it and she needs it !!

  6. nice pics....makes one want to go and experence it in person

    but is there any way to turn off the music? I mean I mute on my comp, but the I forget to turn it back on

  7. Whow cool spot. A must see and thanks for the trail head directions. Love the music!

  8. Thanks for Sharing these beautiful pictures..
    Rob T

  9. Anonymous, I hope you do get to experience it in person. Yes, to turn the music off just click on the pause button on the music player you see on the left.

    Anonymous, you're welcome! Glad you like the music.

    Rob, my pleasure, I'm glad to share them.

  10. Did you have to make reservations months in advance?


  11. So beautiful! This will have to be a hike that we do SOON!

  12. Ron, you need a permit to hike the Wave, and there is a process involved in getting the permit. If you apply for the permit online you have to do it four months in advance, so going to the Wave does take a bit of planning.

    Adele, do check their website well before you go, so you can get your permit in time for when you want to go.

  13. Mar, It was a pleasure having you at Polymath Park today! These pictures of The Wave that you were telling me about are magnificent. They are quite stunning. As are the Antelope Caves. I enjoyed our talk and hope to see you someday again at Tree Tops Restaurant. I know this is early, but have a very Happy Birthday and a safe trip back home.
    - Chef Annie ( Tree Tops Restaurant / Polymath Park)

  14. I am so glad you found the blog! I thought you would like the pictures of the Wave. Thanks!!

  15. Awesome!!! IT'll definitely be a stop on my retired sojurn!


  16. Phil,

    Visiting the Wave requires a permit and they only allow 20 people in per day. There is a process involved in getting a permit, so make sure you check their website months before you plan to go. It does take some planning.

    The Wave is approximately 40 miles west of Page AZ and 40 miles east of Kanab UT. When you get your permit, they give you a map to the Wave, and directions to the trailhead.

    And if you google "The Wave" you'll find tons of info on it, to help you prepare for the hike.
