
More sad news (click here for more info)

After the kind of day I had yesterday, I didn't think things could get any worse, but as these things happen, Alcatraz took a turn for the worst during the night at the emergency vet hospital. He went into cardiac arrest and our wonderful kitty passed away at 2 am last night. I am writing this with tears in my eyes and have no words to describe my sadness or sense of loss. It is hard for me to believe I'll never see him again but I am consoled by the fact that Alcatraz is not suffering any longer. Thanks to everyone who has offered words of encouragement and support.


  1. Oh, Mar... I am so sorry. You've said what can be said. I'm glad his suffering is over, too, but am very sorry for yours.

  2. (((hugs))) Mar ... it's so hard loosing a beloved pet ... Suanne

  3. I am sorry sorry for your loss.

    I hold it true, whate'er befall;
    I feel it when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost
    Than never to have loved at all.

  4. I am so deeply sorry to hear this news. As an animal lover I know how heart broken you must feel. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


  5. I am so very sorry for your loss Mar. Hugs and shared tears

  6. Thank you so much, Vickie, Suanne, Tina, and Karen.

    Matt, that's exactly what my daughter said to me and it made me cry then too.

  7. Having gone through it recently myself I can tell you that it WILL get better with time. Never forget and always cherish your memories.

  8. Having gone through it recently I can tell you it WILL get better with time. Cherish your memories and never forget.

  9. Thank you David, good to know.

  10. oh, Mar. i am so very very sorry. please know that you are in my heart. lighting a candle for you and Alcatraz.

  11. A lost pet is still in your heart forever. I have never lost the sadness for my beloved St. Bernard, Brutus, that I lost on July 26th, 1979. AlCATraz will always be with you in spirit.

    Virtual hugs,


  12. Thanks Kate, I appreciate it.

  13. Judie, I understand how you miss Brutus, and yes, Alcatraz will always be with me.

  14. I'm sorry for your loss... you and Alcatraz are in my prayers. Remember, never say goodbye, just farewell until we meet again.

  15. Oh Mar, I am so sorry for your loss. Things hadn't been going very well for a while and then the Kitty. Hope things get straight again for the rest of your trip. Hang in there I am thinking of you

  16. Thank you, D and Jo, you are very kind, thanks for understanding.

  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. Our furry companions leave awfully big holes in our hearts for such small creatures. Keeping you and Alcatraz in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. Thanks, Pam. They do, they sure do.

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Mar.

    Alcatraz is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge :)

    Prayers and thoughts over your way.

  20. Thank you, Wild Blue Yonder.

  21. Ahhh...... so sorry. I know how you feel. I have a whole managerie waiting on that durn rainbow bridge.

  22. Mar,
    So sorry to hear of your loss.
    Alcatraz sounds really special. Beautiful picture.

    Three wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge.

  23. Thank you, KC. Alcatraz was very, very special. He had such a great personality, everyone fell in love with him.

  24. I am so very sorry to hear this Mar. You will always hold Alcatraz very near & dear in your heart...hugs, Cyn
