
Two months in Mexico! (click here for more info)

Where does time go? I can't believe I've been in San Felipe two months already. It feels like I've been here just a couple of weeks, not a couple of months!

I've had a wonderful time here, relaxing, enjoying the nice, warm weather, and the beautiful beaches. I am teaching a couple of new online classes, so it's been nice to have uninterrupted time to get my work done.

And while surfing the web, I stumbled upon a new category of blogs for me. I usually read the travel blogs of my friends who are also having their own adventures while traveling the US. But now I have discovered there are tons of wonderful blogs out there about my other passion: food and cooking.

So I have recently spent quite a bit of time exploring and learning from these blogs. These bloggers are a united community who use their blogs to connect with others, and share not just recipes but also ideas and goals. They use their blogs to throw link parties, to do fundraising for some great causes, to keep each other informed, to make new friends, and stay in touch with old ones.

They also do giveaways on their blogs, sponsored by companies who select them. And I am very excited to share with you that I have been selected by CSN Stores to host my very own giveaway for my readers!

CSN will give one of my readers a gift certificate for $25 to spend on their website. CSN is not just one store, it is actually a collection of 200 stores, so you can find pretty much anything you need .... or want :-)

For example, CSN has a great office furniture store so if you need something for your home office (or your RV office) you could spend your $25 gift certificate there if you're the winner of this giveaway! Or you could spend it at any of their other stores, the choice is yours.

To enter, you must leave a comment for this post, telling me two things:

First, if you are a follower of my blog, please tell me how long you have been a follower. If you're not a follower, please become a follower today and mention in your comment that you did.

Second, try to guess the date and time that I will return to the states. I don't know yet when that will be, but when I do, I will look at the entries and the person whose guess is the closest to the actual date and time, will be the lucky winner of the $25 gift certificate!

(Hint: I have not decided when yet, but I can tell you that I will be going back to the states some time in March - next month! :-)

So leave me a comment - I love comments - and you could be the winner of my very first and exciting giveaway!

Now for the small print:
1. To leave a comment, click on "comments" below.
2. The gift certificate only covers merchandise, not shipping.
3. The contest is open to residents of both Canada and the US.
4. If you would like me to notify you if you're the winner, please leave your email address in your comment (if you're worried about spam, you may use the word "at" instead of the "@" in your email address, and the word "dot" instead of the period).
5. If you rather not include your email address in your comment, make sure to check back here frequently so you can read when I post who the winner is. If the winner doesn't reply by the stated deadline, the gift certificate will go to the next closest guess.


  1. Hi Mar, I've been a follower since you strated this blog a year ago. I previously followed "La Casita Bella" since I found you and Bernie on the Yahoo discussion group for RVers under 55!

    My guess is March 16 at 1PM!

    ccpronovost at earthlink dot net

  2. Hi Mar,
    I noticed a lot of give aways lately. I also find that there are lots of blogs out there that I have found of late. From off grid living and women who have built their own homes. Very interesting stuff.
    So I have been following you blog for the past 2 3/4 yrs. and I think you will be back March 3
    I hope you continue your time left in Mexico

  3. I am a new gfc follower.

    I think you'll be back 18 March at 7:18pm.

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Been following for about a year now. I did the full-time RV thing for a few years, and in that time did more than 40 states, 6 provinces and also hit San Felipe for a few days. Nice to trail in your virtual footsteps as I follow your blog.

    Now, I live more quietly on the west coast and write young adult fiction. (Yes, I know that's quite a change from full timing in an RV.)

    My guess for your return? How about 3/28 at around noon?

    If I win, you can post a comment on my blog:


  5. Hi Mar, Well we finally hit the road a month ago and have been loving it. We're staying in Florida for the winter mostly in the Orlando area and visiting with friends and family we haven't seen in quite some time. We'll probably go west next year in our travels. I think you'll be back in the state March 31st at 11pm. Why push it. Enjoy life and keep writing. I've been following you since the start.

  6. Hi Mar,
    I've read your blog several times in the last year or so, but just became an "official":) follower today. Love your adventure and hoping to hit the road full-time also in a few months. You've given me lots of ideas for places to put on the "must see" list. Thanks!
    I think you'll return March 17 at 11:30 AM.

  7. Don E. Most of the time I just read and enjoy. Got a question for you, what does a site cost down there? I am going to spend the summer in Alaska driving a trolley for Holand America at Denali. That is a good job and pays not bad. found them in a Workamper News add. I would like to take the wife and spend some time down south next winter. We love Sea food! I to am in T or C well not really I am in Elephant Butte.

  8. Mar,as you know i have been a follower since you started this little vacation and have loved every post.
    my guess is Feb 26

  9. I've been reading your blog for about 4 months now and find it very interesting. I work camp for about 6 months of each year, travel for a couple of months and spend summers at my house in Massachusetts.

    You will return on March 14 around 6:00 p.m.

    jdwight at housing dot umass dot edu

  10. Hi Mar, I have been reading and enjoying your blog since I first discovered it this past fall- September or October.I have also read a fair amount of your older blog, La Casita Belle, this fall as well. Love your photo entries and all of the great info that you have shared.
    I Just joined as a "follower" today. I have been "vandwelling" since mid-October. Met AstroB & P at RTR, etc. WIsh you could have been there, too. Heard wonderful things about you.
    I am glad that San Felipe has turned out to be a serene retreat spot for you to do your work this winter.
    I am actually thinking of going to Baja via San Felipe. If only the road past Puertocitos was not too rough for a Van, so we could hit Mex 1 this way. Have you heard anything about the state of this road? Just curious.
    ENjoy the rest of your stay South of the Border.
    March 27th at 2 PM

  11. I have been reading your blog (am now a 'follower') for a while and love your adventures. I think you will return to the states March 18 around 3pm (whichever time zone you are in then). Sherry T.

  12. Hi Mar
    Golly you and Bernie were just getting ready to leave FL or had just left FL when i started following you. I dont remember if you ask a question in my Boondocking with solar group or if I sent you an Invite. It has been a great blog to follow and watch you color in the States. In fact it inspired me to start my own but i just didn't enjoy the writing.

    I think you will leave 3-17 with your little Leprechaun buddy by your side for good luck.

    I hope our paths cross again, Jeanie and I both enjoy your visits very much. I may not leave a message very often but you can bet your Granny's china that I check it everyday. As you know I stay pretty busy between remolding the RV so we can get back out there and medical stuff for Jeanie, so have cut my blog reading back to only 3Blogs. Yours will always be one of them.

    Red AKA ROJO

  13. Hi! I've been following your blog since you 2 first left FL and started this journey! Too bad your friend had to return. Do you think she'll ever join you again? I have not followed your new blog, but am going to now. I think you'll return to the states on March 23rd.
    ruespenguins at gmail dot com

  14. Hi, Mar! I've been following your blog occasionally for more than two years, and regularly since last fall. I'll also take this opportunity to publicly thank you for placing the www.OvernightRVParking.com banner on your website -- and to let your readers know that if they subscribe to www.OvernightRVParking.com & tell us that they were referred to us by your blog, they'll get 13 months for the price of 12 and you'll get an additional free month as well.

    Oh -- and I predict that you'll return to the USA on March 20 at 2:02 PM.

    Jim O'Briant

  15. Hi Mar,
    I've been following your blog for quite a while, not sure how long, but since I don't use the Google Follower tool, you wouldn't know it. My guess is March 8 at 3pm.
    dianatolerico at yahoo.com

  16. HI there!

    I've been following you for a few months.

    You're going to cross the border around noon March 20.

    The Good Luck Duck

  17. HI Mar,

    Can you tell us how to find this network?

