
New Year's Day in San Felipe (click here for more info)

San Felipe is a very peaceful and quiet town ... until there's a reason to celebrate. There was plenty going on last night. New year's eve was quite busy and noisy around here. From my cozy and warm motorhome, I enjoyed listening to the people, the loud music, and firecrackers everywhere. I was even able to hear the countdown to midnight from the nightclub next door, where they had a huge party going on till the wee hours of the morning.

The rest of the time, you never hear a sound. It is a great place to get some rest and relaxation, which is exactly what I've been doing ... and working very hard at it by the way :-)

Actually, I have traveled so much and driven so many miles in the last couple of years, that is is very nice to finally be able to stay in one place for a while. It is also nice to have the time to get my work done without having to get up and go all the time.

The very best part is spending this time at the beach. Just being at the beach makes me extremely happy and San Felipe has such beautiful beaches, it is just paradise. I've been here a while now and the view still takes my breath away every time I step outside.

All that to say what I'm sure you've already noticed: that I haven't posted much lately. I spend my days chilling, relaxing, meeting the neighbors, walking on the beach, and yes, working too from time to time. It's great for me but not for the blog. I will probably be back in the states some time in March, and plan to get back to posting more regularly then.

Here are some pictures I took today of some boats in the water, which I hadn't had the opportunity to take pictures of yet. I absolutely loved that boat you'll see in the last three pictures, which was on the sand. There were also some kids flying a kite on the beach but they couldn't keep it in the air long enough for me to take a picture. Still, it was fun to watch them and hear their giggles. Happy new year everyone!


  1. Sounds like you are having a great time. Enjoy the quiet. Your pictures are great.
    Louise in FLA

  2. So, a winter in San Felipe is definitely on my bucket list, now. At least one! I'm glad you're enjoying it! I couldn't agree with you more when it comes to beach = happy place!

    Happy Trails, forever!
    Cyndi and Stumpy @ RVly Ever After

  3. Excellent item to add to your bucket list!

  4. Hi Mar, Well Lenny retired as of Jan. 1st, Chrissy turns 21 on the 14th and we leave on the 15th for our full-timing adventure. We probably won't be out west for some time, but hey you never know. Glad you're enjoying yourself. Keep in touch. Janis

  5. Excellent, Janis, that is great news! Happy travels to you both!

  6. Mar, Thanks for the heads up on San Felipe. I never heard of it. But after seeing your comments and photos i;ve been checking it out on Google Earth and anything else I can find about it. Would like to know about the cost of living, food, gas, hotel, campground. I would guess a lot of things would be more expensive than most of Mexico cuz its so remote. Thanks again for expaning my horizon - Gary

  7. That's great, Gary. There are several websites about San Felipe with great info (you'll find one by clicking on the blog title for today) and there is also a yahoo group for San Felipe with some good info, where you can ask all your questions.

    Actually, one of the main reasons I picked San Felipe is because everything here is much cheaper than in the other beach towns that are relatively close to the border, like San Felipe is.

    If you have any specific questions I may help you with, feel free to send me an email. My email address is at the top of the page.

  8. Glad you are getting some rest. It looks amazing there. But where is your drink with umbrella? Chilling on the beach is just not complete without an umbrella floating in some kind of a tropical drink.

  9. Great idea! That is the best thing I've heard all day :-)
