
San Felipe, Baja, Mexico (click here for more info)

This is my first trip to Mexico. I got to San Felipe today, which is about a two hour drive after crossing the border, on a very good road and straight all the way. Crossing the border was easy and only took a few minutes. When I first got here I spent part of the afternoon driving around to get to know the town and checking out the different rv parks to be able to choose the right one for me.

The beaches are absolutely gorgeous. The weather is wonderful, sunny and a bit breezy. The highs are in the 60s and the lows are in the 50s. The Mexican people are very friendly and helpful. The kind of place where you can stay a while, which is exactly what I plan to do ....


  1. Yes, I said stay. S - T - A - Y !!!!


  2. I don't see a hole in the ground. So, I guess this is one place you *don't* need rescued from?

  3. You got that wrong! Of course there's a hole. It's just so big and so deep you can't even see it, that's how big it is!! Now come rescue me NOW!!! :-P

  4. No way! She's coming to visit your big brother and me! WE get her next! Miss you both!

  5. Wow....I love to be wrong about things like this.....I may follow you...keep me posted on the weather.....have a great stay!

  6. Ok, ok, I'll share. You get her for a little bit and then send her my way!! LOL

  7. Bro Bri, I think you were definitely wrong about this. The weather couldn't be better!

  8. Wow it looks great there! I've shyed away from traveling to Mexico because of all the warnings we got about the drug cartels there. Be safe!!! Glad to hear the area you are in is friendly and gorgeous!

  9. You and a lot of other people too. You just have to take the warnings within context.

    San Felipe is a small town, a fishing village. It's paradise!!
