
Greater World Earthship Community in Taos, New Mexico (click here for more info)

This is the world’s largest self-sufficient residential development. All the houses are built with recycled materials: bottles, cans, tires, and dirt. Each house is fully self-sufficient, generating power from wind and solar, and getting water from rain collection. There are no water, power, or sewer lines anywhere on the premises.


  1. In that last picture the bottles and cans kinda look like jewels. So beautiful - and what a great idea! Now they need to spread the knowledge around.

    Thanks for the pics, Mar.

  2. They do, they have workshops and videos and books and all kinds of things to help people learn about sustainability.

    I love that last picture, the sun was shinning from behind, so I hoped the picture would come out ok, and it did!

  3. I like the soda can/tire fence, myself. :)

  4. Very cool yes, imagine all the stuff you can do.

  5. I love the Earthships! I have seen these posted on shows on the green channel and discovery channel in the past, read about them on websites and now get to see great pics on my sweeeeet little sisters blog! Awesome stuff! I am however very jealous! I really want to check them out too! We will get there when we head further South though :)

    Excellent stuff!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  6. Well, I'm sure they'll still be here when you get here but it would have been much more fun if you'd hurry up and had gone seen them with your favorite little sister :-)

  7. Yes and very cool. Hope you like it when you go visit!

  8. Wow! I think it's going to take a place like this to get me to stop van dwelling and live stationary again. VERY cool.

  9. Yeah, that would definitely be the way to go.

  10. Mindblowing innovations. Who knows when we all will need to know and use this info. Thanks a lot for sharing and God bless you...bit smile

  11. I just watched the documentary, that had me spellbound for 1 1/2 hours and in tears. A 'visionary' of a kind that we need many more of. Houses built out of bottles, tires and cans and no heating bills to help the poor and to make mankind more self-sufficient! God help us, when we need his ideas (sooner than we think) and his courage to stand up against money-grabbing bureaucrat. Well done Mike, you are a STAR and so is your crew! big smile...
