
Ames Brothers Pyramid in Buford, Wyoming. The 60 foot pyramid was built in 1883 at a cost of $65,000 as a monument to Oliver and Oakes Ames, who were responsible for the construction of the first transcontinental railroad. (click here for more info)


  1. first i`m impressed at the pic of the pronghorn,they aren`t easy to get close enough to get a shot.second,this is someplace i have always wanted to visit.i have been told it wasn`t easy to find.

  2. No, it wasn't really that hard to find but it was just another frigging unpaved road and I wasn't happy about that. You can see it from the highway actually. It's pretty cool out there.

  3. Can you believe that pronghorn even looked towards me? Thank goodness for cameras with zoom.

    She wasn't alone. There was a baby running around, but he was sooooo hyper, wouldn't stop and kept getting farther away from me, so I wasn't able to take its picture. I was pretty bummed out about that.

  4. I love the shot she is looking right at you. Unpaved roads are a real pain in a MH.

  5. Yes, that was great. I took several but that was the best one.
