
Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, Talieisin West, Scottsdale, Arizona (click here for more info)

Every graduate and undergraduate student at the FLW School of Architecture has the option to build a shelter in the dessert to live in during the school year (no utilities but a few have solar). Today I went on the Desert Shelter Tour at Taliesin to see these shelters. The tour is lead by the students themselves. This two hour hiking in the desert tour turned out to be three hours long. I have to say that after visiting 36 states in 20 months, this tour is by far the coolest thing I have seen or done, and the one experience I've enjoyed the most. It was worth every penny and I would gladly do it again (if my feet ever recover from the trauma!).


  1. Wow! I would have enjoyed the tour too.
    Will add to my list of places to visit.
    - Mary Ann :-)

  2. Wow. I'd never heard of these. Definitely something I want to see.

  3. i didn`t know they gave tours.i`ll have to check that out the next time i visit my aunt

  4. Thanks for sharing. If you drive through Santa Fe, stop at Double Take for 'recycled' clothing.

  5. Mar, what a neat tour. Thanks for bringing me along;-)

  6. Love your site - for the Class B you are seeking, you might get help on the Roadtrek group site (yahoo) or the Class B van website.
    I am a newbie with a Roadtrek and learning as quickly as I can to be able to enjoy with my two 'old lady' cats.

  7. great pic's i would think that 3 hours would be pushing it to see all those. hae to add this to my to do list. thanks george

  8. I'd let some of those students build a house for me!!! Someday I'd like to see Taliesin and will def. plan to visit the student houses..

  9. DUH? Just realized that this in not in Wisconsin. Not any where near Taliesin.

  10. I must make that trip. I can only imagine how proud and enthusiastic the students must be. What happens with the shelters from the previous years?

  11. ksann, Someone else moves in and does their own thing. To protect the desert they can't build any new bases. I think there are like 60 bases out there, so students can pick one, and build on it, or rebuild, or re-do what someone else has done.

  12. George, there not really that far from each other but yeah, it was a lot to see in three hours.

  13. mefabs, me too! they can build me a house any time!

  14. mefabs, the desert shelters are at Tailiesin West, in Scottsdale AZ. At Taliesin east, the students stay in dormitories. I've been there too.

  15. You're welcome Carol. Thanks for coming along :-)

  16. Mar, I have followed your interest in architecture through the RV Buddies site. I enjoy your comments and pictures.
    Jae, Ithaca, NY

  17. I enjoyed all of the pics and the info-this will be added to my must see list-thanks for the outstanding photos and info.
